European Academy
of Natural Sciences

Hannover e.V.


Ложкин Владимир Николаевич

Curriculum Vitae – Vladimir Lozhkin

Proposed role in the project: Non Key Expert - Transport

Family name:


First names:


Date of birth:


Civil status:







Degree(s) or Diploma(s) obtained

M. I. Kalinin Leningrad Polytechnic Institute (now St. Petersburg State Polytechnical University), Department of Internal Combustion Engine

1966 -1972

M.Sc. Diploma, Design Engineer

M. I. Kalinin Leningrad Polytechnic Institute (now St. Petersburg State Polytechnical University)

1975 - 1978

Ph.D. of Technical Science ( Engines)

M. I. Kalinin Leningrad Polytechnic Institute (now St. Petersburg State Polytechnical University)


D.Sc. of Technical Science (Engines)

State Commission for Academic Degrees and Titles


Prof. In Engines improvement

Language Skills: Indicate competence on a scale of 1 to 5 (1-excellent; 5-basic)






Native language









Membership of professional bodies:

Honoured master of sciences of Russian Federation (was awarded by the presidential decree in 2003)

Honoured Doctor of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Elimination

of Consequences of Natural Disasters

Honoured Doctor of International Academy of Applied Research

Honoured Doctor of St. Petersburg University of State Fire Service of The Ministry of the Russian Federation for

Civil Defense, Emergencies and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters (2009)

Permanent member of the united council «Ecology and Natural Resources» in St. Petersburg Scientific Centre of

the Russian Academy of Sciences (since 1990)

Member of the editorial board of the newsletter “ Questions about air pollution protection” (published by Voeikov

Main Geophysical Observatory)

Permanent participant of Nevsky International Ecological Congress, incl. the latest: 2011, 16th - 17th of March.

The event is co-hosted by the Interparliamentary Assembly of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) and the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation. And UNIDO as a co-organizer of the congress

Other skills: (e.g. computer literacy, etc.)

Specialist in vehicle engineering (motor engines, gas analyzers, diagnostic equipment) .Computer literacy

Present position:

Professor, St.Petersburg University of State Fire Service of The Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defence, Emergencies and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters, Department of Automotive Engineering

Years within the firm:

22 years

Key qualifications (relevant to the project)

Achievements in experimental investigation of atmospheric pollution due to motor vehicles

Valuable experience in legislative acts development for regional and national authorities, e.g. as expert in development of Federal Law on “Ensuring the Environmental Safety in Vehicles” with report “Strategy of National Nature Protection Regulation and Vehicle emissions control during transitional economic period” , as associated expert of Saint-Petersburg City Administration Committee on transport participated in development of a number of city regulations within the transportation sector.

Insights in national norms and standards development and implementation, institutional arrangements in the transportation sector etc.

Good communication with wide range of the transportation sector stakeholders, including scientific or/and technical cooperation with main Russian specialised organisations related to transport and environment: The Ioffe Physical Technical Institute, Voeikov Main Geophysical Observatory, SRI “Atmosphere”, Russian Scientific Centre of Applied Chemistry, and commercial enterprises such as “Kirovskii zavod”, JSC, “KAMAZ”, JSC, local ( Transport Committee of SPb), regional ( Leningrad oblast Committee of Transport and transport infrastructure ) and national authorities ( State Duma hearings) within transportation sector.

Specific experience in the region




Since 1974 - till present

CIS countries

Since 1990


Since 1999

European Commission

Since 2011

Professional experience



Company & reference person (name & contact details)




Saint-Petersburg, Russia

Zvezda, production association ( now OJSC)

Design Engineer

Eco-friendly internal combustion engines development for vehicles


Saint-Petersburg, Russia

M. I. Kalinin Leningrad Polytechnic Institute (now St. Petersburg State Polytechnical University),

Department of Internal Combustion Engine

Ph.D. student

Development of Ph.D. on Eco-friendly internal combustion engines development for vehicles


Saint-Petersburg, Russia

Central Scientific and Research and Design Institute of Fuel Equipment for Tractor and Stationary Engines, scientific production association

Senior researcher, laboratory chief

Fuel equipment design for eco-friendly engines, tractors and cars, best practices studying and self-developments in reducing pollution and GHG emissions from motor transport


Saint-Petersburg, Russia

Automobile and Road-Construction Institute under Saint-Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering


Lecturer on courses “Ecology”, “Transportation sector and environment”


Saint-Petersburg, Russia

Scientific and expert commission for ecological control on heat power and transport facilities

Under Department on Nature Resources of Northwest of Russia within the Ministry of Environment of the Russian Federation


Environmental impact assessment, scientific and practical recommendations preparation to harmonised regulation in the relevant field, programmes development, best practices implementation

1996 – till present

Saint-Petersburg, Russia

St.Petersburg University of State Fire Service of The Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters,

Department of Automotive Engineering


Lecturer on courses related to transport and ecology issues, expert, scientific and research activity on transport safety


Saint-Petersburg, Russia,

Copenhagen, Denmark

Saint-Petersburg City Administration Committee on transport

Danish Ministry of Transport

Chief expert-coordinator in Russia

The international project “External costs of transport in St. Petersburg” is aimed at external costs calculation for transport infrastructure investments and environmental assessment of infrastructure plans in St. Petersburg, the project includes

  • Environmental impact assessment of the various transport modes

  • External costs assessment in connection with the various transport modes and

  • AEI (Assessment of Environmental Impact, or VVM in Danmark) of a developed transport concept (Gateway Saint Petersburg)


Saint-Petersburg, Russia

Committee for Nature Use, Environmental Protection and Ecological Safety of the. St. Petersburg City Administration


Member of commission on state project ecological expertise

Supervision and carrying out of the environment impact assessment of projects, recommendations development regarding environmental protection and ecological safety in the transportation sector


Saint-Petersburg, Russia

Brussels, Europe

The Ministry of natural resources of Russia

European Commission

Chief expert-coordinator in Russia

International Project “Air Quality Governance in ENPI East Countries”. The European Commission from January 2011 to December 2014 governed the Project. Contract № EuropAid/129522/SER/MULTI)

Other relevant information (e.g. publications):

450 publications on environmental safety of transport, including international publications, inventions, analytic reviews, monographs, study guides, approved by the Russian Educational-Methodology Association for students of higher educational institutions, among them:

  1. N. S. Burenin, V.N. Lozhkin, V.S. Marchenko, O. V. Lozhkina. Evaluation of transport exhaust gas emission. – J. Air Quality Protection. Atmosphere. (Rus.) – 2011. - №2.
  2. V.N. Lozhkin, N. S. Burenin, V.S. Lukianov, O. V. Lozhkina. Investigation of the transport's effect on the air environment on the example of the Saint-Petersburg ring highway. - Bulletin of civil engineers (Rus.) – 2011. - № 4(29). — P. 117–122.
  3. V.N. Lozhkin, O. V. Lozhkina. Transport and the future of biosphere: is it possible to avoid confrontation? - Society. Environment. Development. (Rus.) – 2011. - № 2.
  4. V.N. Lozhkin, S. E. Migulev, O. V. Lozhkina. Investigation of environment safety management effectiveness of urban transport in long term perspectives. – J. Motor transport enterprise (Rus.) - 2010. - № 4.
  5. O. V. Lozhkina, V.N. Lozhkin. Control of ecological safety of transport. Control of transport related air pollution. - NPK Atmosphere press, St. Petersburg, Russia, 2011. 200 p.
  6. V.N. Lozhkin, O. V. Lozhkina, S. E. Migulev. Informational monitoring of transport impact on environment. - Informational Bulletin “Problems of atmosphere safeguard” – NPK Atmosphere press, St. Petersburg, Russia, 2010.
  7. V.N. Lozhkin, O. V. Lozhkina. Prospects for motor vehicle-caused environmental harm reduction in the urban areas of the Russian Federation as exemplified with Saint-Petersburg . – J. Biosphere (Rus.) – 2011. - № 3.
  8. A. Ju. Nedre, O. V. Lozhkina, V.N. Lozhkin, N. S. Burenin. Methodical and informative support of Russian Legislation in the field of transport related air pollution in concordance with European Standards. - IV Nevsky International Ecological Congress, St. Petersburg 2011.
  9. O. V. Lozhkina, V. R. Novikov, V.N. Lozhkin. Estimation of the motor transport engines impact on the city atmosphere. – J. (Rus.)— 2010. — № 4.
  10. V.N. Lozhkin, V. R. Novikov, Marchenko, O. V. Lozhkina. Investigation of the structure of motor transport in Moscow, Moscow Region, Investigation of effectiveness of environment safety management of urban transport in long term perspectives. Petersburg, Leningrad Region and Krasnodar Region.- Informational Bulletin “Problems of atmosphere safeguard” – NPK Atmosphere press, St. Petersburg, Russia, - 2010.
  11. V. S. Artamonov, O. V. Lozhkina, V.N. Lozhkin. Transport, Environment and sustainable development. - III International Congress “Safety on Roads for Life Safety”, St. Petersbrg, 2010.
  12. V.N. Lozhkin, O. V. Lozhkina. International experience in the standardization and control of transport exhaust gases emission and problem of their realization in Russian Federation. – IX International Conference ‘Management of Road Safety’, St. Petersburg, 2010.
  13. Lozhkin V.N. Using k-theory in geographic information investigations of critical-level pollution of atmosphere in the vicinity of motor roads. / Ložkin V., Ložkina O., Ušakov A. // World Applied Sciences Journal. 2013. V. 23. № 13. P. 96-100.
  14. . Lozhkin V.N. Estimation of road transport related air pollution in Saint Petersburg using European and Russian calculation models / O.V. Lozhkina, V.N. Lozhkin // Transportation Research Part D: Transport And Environment. – Elsevier Science Publishing Company, Inc., 2015. V. 36. Р. 178-189.
  15. Lozhkin V.N. Estimation of nitrogen oxides emissions from petrol and diesel passenger cars by means of on-board monitoring: effect of vehicle speed, vehicle technology, engine type on emission rates / Lozhkina O.V. Lozhkina, V.N. Lozhkin // – Elsevier Science Publishing Company, Inc., 2016. V. 47. Р. 251-264.
  16. Lozhkin V.N. IR Spectroscopic Investigation of the Structure of Water–Fuel Microemulsion for Diesel Engines / V.N. Lozhkin, V.I. Vettegren’, R.I. Mamalimov, O.V. Lozhkina, V.A. Morozov, Yu.A. Pimenov // Technical Physics, 2016. Vol. 61. No. 9. Р. 1433–1435.
  17. . Lozhkin V.N. Motor transport related harmful PM2.5 and PM10: from on-road measurements to the modelling of air pollution by neural network approach on street and urban level. / O. Lozhkina, V. Lozhkin, N. Nevmerzhitsky, D. Tarhov and A. Vasilyev // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 2016. V. 772. № 1.
  18. . Lozhkin V.N. Neural network approach in information process for predicting highway area air pollution by peat fire / A. Vasilyev, V. Lozhkin, D. Tarkhov, O. Lozhkina, V. Timofeev // Selected Papers of the XI International Scientific-Practical Conference Modern Information Technologies and IT-Education (SITITO 2016), Moscow, Russia, November 25-26, Vol-1761, P. 386-392.
  19. Lozhkin V.N. Catalytic Converter with Storage Device of Exhaust Gas Heat for City Bus / V. Lozhkin, O. Lozhkina // Transportation Research Procedia. – Elsevier Science Publishing Company, Inc., 2017. V. 20. Р. 412-417.
  20. Lozhkin V.N. Methods of Assessing the Influence of Operational Factors on Brake System Efficiency in Investigating Traffic Accidents. / N. Podoprigora, V. Dobromirov, A. Pushkarev, V. Lozhkin // Transportation Research Procedia. – Elsevier Science Publishing Company, Inc., 2017. V. 20. Р. 516 – 522.



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