European Academy
of Natural Sciences
Hannover E. V. |
Milos Stankovic
Professor, PhD
- Doctor of Economic Sciences (PhD), the international trade and business, Faculty of Finance, Banking and Auditing (Belgrade)
- Master of Environmental Protection, Faculty of Applied Ecology (Belgrade)
- Production management (bachelor's degree), Technical Faculty, University of Novi Sad
- Electrical Engineer (bachelor's degree), Faculty of Electrical Engineering (Belgrade)
- Member of the Council of Belgrade University, Faculty of Electrical Engineering
- Professor and Head of the Innovation Center at the Faculty of Management and Economics (Kragujevac) in Serbia.
- Research associate at the Institute of Applied Sciences in Belgrade.
- Member of the Management Board of the Innovation Center, Faculty of Electrical Engineering in Belgrade
- Expert in new technologies and innovations.
- Honorary Doctor of Sciences at Adyghe State University in the Russian Federation
- Honorary Doctor of "Environmental Sciences" at International University in New York
- Honorary Doctor of "Technical Sciences" at the European University in Germany
He works on scientific research – innovations, environmental and energy projects the most, active for 22 years. He is registered in
the register of innovation activity in the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia. He
has 30 inventions rewarded on many national and international exhibitions (more than 100 international awards).
Some of the innovations: apparatus for destroying weeds, eco-exhaust for the removal air pollution in motor vehicles, particulate
electrostatic filter for motor vehicles, electrostatic filter for the removal air pollution in the industry, purifying the liquid by
means of pressure, system for obtaining ecological and economical fuel from petroleum products, turbine with no mechanical moving
parts, device for fast charging batteries and accumulators, induction heating, pumps with ionization currents for the separation of
metals and others.
Some of the awards:
- Cross-Cultural Ambassador of UNESCO, at the University of Sorbonne, UNESCO club
- Winner of “Lifetime Achievement Academic Award for Outstanding International Achievements” in the Republic of China
- WIPO Gold Medal, World Intellectual Property Organization (best patent)
- Prestigious international award „Energy Globe Award” (among 177 countries of the world)
- Prestigious international award „Best Social Impact Startup”, rewarded by the Central European Startup Awards
- St. Sava Award for Achievement in Scientific Research, the best University professor in the country, from the Ministry of Education
and Science of the Republic of Serbia
- The personality of lifestyle in the Republic of Serbia in 2012 (2011. this award went to Novak Djokovic, tennis player)
- Full member of the European Academy of Natural Sciences
- Full member of the New York Academy of Sciences
- Full member of the International Academy for the historical and social sciences
- Foreign member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences
- Honorary member of the Serbian Royal Academy of scientists and artists
- Honorary member of the Peter's Academy of Sciences and arts (St. Petersburg)
- Honorary member of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences
- Winner of the prestigious “Tesla White Dove Award” (a year ago, this award was given to Nobel Prize winner Robert F. Curl from Rice
University in the USA)
- Honorary inventor of Europe 2014
- Honorary Artist of Europe 2019
- Order "Alexander Nevsky", Russian Academy of Sciences, Russian Federation
- The holder of the ‘European Medal of Honor’ in Germany
- The holder of the „Medal of Honour, courage and bravery“, Army of the Russian Federation
- - Holder of the „Medal of Honor“, a veteran of the Russian Federation
- Holder of the Order of "St. Amphilochy", Russian Orthodox Church, Diocese of Krasnoyarsk
- Holder of the Order of the Knight of „St. Anne“, the Russian aristocratic society of the new elite
- Holder of the Order of „Sv. Sergius Radonezhsky“, St. Petersburg, Orthodox Church
- The holder of the Medal “Knight of Science”, the Russian International Academy of Sciences
- Winner of the “Gold Medal for creativity”, the International Innovation Center
- World Genius Award in Tokyo
- City of Belgrade Award for invention 2018
- Distinguished Citizen of Belgrade (Zemun) 2006
- The inventor of the year 2002 in Yugoslavia
- The winner of the first passport from the Government of the Republic of Serbia
Work experience:
- University of Belgrade, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Serbia.
Position: member of the Council (focus on new technology and innovation) (from 2023)
- Innovation Center of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Belgrade, Serbia
Position: member of the Board of Directors (from 2023)
- EWD Technology, in Science and Technology Park Belgrade, Serbia ,
Position: CEO, founder, chief engineer, consultant and leader in innovation projects (from 2022)
- Institute of Applied Sciences in Belgrade
Position: research associate, engineer on project in field of environmental protection, energetic systems and electrotechnic (from
- Faculty of Management and Economics in Kragujevac, Serbia.
Position: professor, specialty: management of new technologies and innovations (from 2016)
- Innovation center of the Faculty of Management and Economics in Kragujevac, Serbia
Position: Head of the Innovation Center (from 2016)
- Global Eco Energy Sweden.
Position: member of the Board (from 2015-)
- Innovation center, in Belgrade, Serbia.
Position: Director of Innovation center, Chief engineer on project in field of environmental protection, energetic systems and
electrotechnic. (2014-2015)
- Companies in Sweden
Position: Chief engineer on project in field of environmental protection and energetic systems, consultant on projects (2011-2024)
- International science - innovation organization "Eco energy", in Belgrade
Position: Chief engineer on project in field of environmental protection and energetic systems, member of the Board (2011-2024)
- Companies in Zurich and Basel, in Switzerland
Position: Chief engineer on project in field of environmental protection and energetic systems (2011)
- Institute for Economics Household of Serbia "research and development", in Belgrade
Position: consultant to Director of Institute, for innovation technology, electrotechnic and information systems. Chief engineer on
projects in Institute. (2007-2011)
- Companys Compart and New Comp, in Belgrade
Position: Engineer, Consultant, hardware and software development (2002-2007)
Thanks to the success and discovery of certain inventions, Milos's projects have been presented at numerous national and international
conferences, fairs, universities and institutes, such as the EDHEC Business School (France - Nice), John Cabot University (Italy -
Rome), Monte Carlo (set of Business Angels), Tokyo (World Genius Convention), Moscow (International Salon of Inventions and Innovation
Technologies "Archimedes"), Taipei (International Innovation and Invention Conference), Hong Kong (International Innovation
Exhibition), Banja Luka (Chamber of Commerce of the Republic of Serbian, International scientific innovation set), Belgrade (Chamber
of Commerce of Serbia and Belgrade, numerous fairs and manifestations, a set of international scientific innovation), Novi Sad -
Serbia (numerous fairs and manifestations, a set of international scientific innovation), Zurich, Hanover, Dusseldorf, Cologne,
Gothenburg, Smögen, Los Angeles, Washington, New York, San Jose, Stockholm and others.
During the last few years, many experts (national and international scientists, professors, academicians, engineers, researchers etc…)
gave him very affirmative reviews of his researches.
It is becoming more and more obvious that his inventions can be used for production of numerous practical devices, thus for creating a
range of new products which could help in improvement of environmental protection.
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